Sunday, October 18, 2009


We are really proud to introduce our new website dedicated to helping stop senior abuse and offering a series of management of estate plans designed to help protect seniors.

Seniors 50+ abuse is not just physical. It can be emotional, financial, and yes even sexual. Our firm is committed to helping stop senior abuse. We know how to organize a client's estate and bring an experienced Advisory Team of professionals that make it a priority to protect our client's assets. is the first website of it's kind solely dedicated to helping stop senior abuse. We trust you find this website helpful and a great resource. Please feel free to join our blog and contribute to blog on a regular basis. Cheers

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Estate Protectors

Having your "estate affairs" organized and receiving legal, expert, and specialized attention from a qualified and trained team of professionals is absolutely critical to protect your assets from abuse and undue influence.

That is our mission and primary goal in establishing this blog. Over the next several weeks and months we will be providing alot of valuable information to help seniors organize their estate affairs to help protect them from potential abuse. Abuse can be physical but in most cases is emotional and financial.

Ther are options available to help seniors structure their affairs to stop or minimize abuse.

You need to structure your estate affirs now when you still ae young enough to stop abuse. In many cases the cost is so small to your entire estate that it doesn"t make sense to delay or prolong our estate plan.

Keep posted. Have a greatday. Cheers

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Give thanks for our Seniors today

All too often seniors are alone on Thanksgiving. Take a moment to give thanks to our seniors today. Without them we would not be here. Happy Thanksgivng to all Seniors today and everyday. Have a wonderful day. Cheers

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How do we define who is a Senior in Canada

The definition of a Senior in Canada varies from where you are and under what circumstances one finds themselves under at the time. I would suggest  alot of these questions can be directed to the below link which I urge anyone over 50 plus ought to become familiar. Given there will be more Seniors 50 + by 2015 than children in Canada under 14 that alone should make us all pause for a few moments. I believe the more we learn as a group about Seniors we will all become the benefactor of good news .


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Elder Care Resource Information

Hi. We came across this information while surfing the internet which we beleive can really be a good reource for all Seniors. In upcoming blog information from us you will see special segments on the law of edlers and how it impacts the importance of proper estate planning. Enjoy and please feel free to join our blog. All the best. Byron Balcom, Managing Partner of Atlantica Law Group Cheers

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Know The Signs Seniors

Signs of Elder Abuse

If you notice any of the following signs of abuse or neglect, immediate action should be taken to protect your or your loved one's health and safety:

Unexplained injuries including bruises, cuts, scrapes or other injuries

Broken bones

Pressure Ulcers, decubitus ulcers and bed sores

Unexplained changes in behavior or demeanor including isolative behavior

Unexplained fear of a particular person or situation

Weight loss

Excessive hunger

Excessive thirst


Missing possessions including money or clothing